Team Page
You've reached the page of the most amazing group of people dedicated to Young Living. They are fabulous and knowledgeable about all the products and will help you improve your life and health in fantastic ways. When you click on the Place An Order button your purchase will go toward their account.
Are you in a place in your life where you are open to the opportunity of increasing your bottom line? Something your can do PT or easily incorporate into your existing business? Or do you want to earn Young Living products for free?
If you are interested in getting your oils for free or adding this to your business or life as an abundant blessing please contact the person who shared this page with you and we will let you know about our amazing opportunities. There are many ways to share these amazing products you can send people to our videos, social media, send emails or DVDs/MP3's, hold home parties or classes or just tell a friend over lunch. We provide you with free training and materials to get started. It's totally flexible and the sky is the limit. Come grow with us.
Kelly Neylan - Lasting Light Wellness Group Founder
I first got introduced to Young Living Oils in the most unusual of places. I was studying in an extremely remote part of Peru, our closest neighbor was a local fisherman living under a sheet held up by four posts. I started not to feel too well and the nearest town was far away. My roommate from Australia pulls out a bottle of Thieves oil and says take this, I had never even heard of Young Living at this point but I was desperate and would have tried anything. Then another woman in the class from another part of the world pulls out her Young Living Oils and offered me some more. I was feeling better in no time and was able to continue my trip. When I got back home I decided I better order another bottle of that trip saving Thieves oil.
Then one of my healing clients got into Young Living. Even though I was using the oils personally I was reluctant at first to sell them since I already had my own healing business but she talked me into it and I'm so glad she did. I found that I could achieve even greater results and change in all aspects of people's lives by combing my energetic work with Young Living Oils. My clients were already looking for natural ways to improve their health and green their home. It was a natural fit. I specialize in helping people transform their lives and move their stuck energy. Young Living Oils are just another opportunity to bring light into their lives by improving their health and the state of their home.
I'm really passionate about being able to show people how much greener their home can be and how much better they can feel by using easy and affordable Young Living products (cleaning, oils, supplements), My family loves the products I use and they are so much better than the chemical alternatives.
My Background
Kelly Neylan is the owner of
Lasting Light Wellness, and is a renown energy healer, reflexologist, yoga teacher and shaman. She is a former stockbroker and IT analyst. She also teaches entrepreneurship for holistic practitioners at the university level. She coaches other businesses on how to find joy and prosperity while following their path. She is always looking for people to join her team who might be interested in sharing Young Living as a business. But her first love is her family and pets and she loves being able to provide Young Living products throughout her home to keep them healthy and happy.
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